Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Searching for a LOGO for THAT DAMN GEMINI

I am looking for a logo to go with this blog and need your help in picking a logo that works!

Leave a comment below stating which pic u think portrays the name of this blog the best.


  1. I love this blog pleae keep me posted on any thing about Detroit, Michigan


  2. Angel & Devil. Perfect. As a Gemini, I can relate to this one, cause when I'm good...I am so Good, but when I'm bad, I am Soo Badd!!

  3. Im a gemini, and every gemini has a partner or twin,but mine is dead. What do i do?

  4. Do the angel and devil. =D
    I've found my twin - a gal who's born on the same day as myself, actually - we're a perfect fit!
